岐阜県 飛騨地域 観光PR映像 – 四季折々、豊かな表情を持つ飛騨地域。古都を感じる美しい街並みや、受け継がれる文化伝統。そして広大な大自然。高山市や飛騨市・白川郷など、誰しもが繰り返し訪れたくなる飛騨地域の魅力を、春夏秋冬で凝縮し映像に収めています。

Tourism promotion of Hida region Gifu prefecture, Japan. [ SPRING Edition ] / The Hida region has a rich expression from season to season. Beautiful cityscape that feels the ancient and cultural traditions that are inherited. And vast nature. The charm of the Hida region that everyone wants to visit repeatedly is condensed and included in the video.



NAUGHTY STUDIO:naughty-works.com

HIDA, Japan – Spring Edition / 飛騨|春 撮影協力